coffee the muslim drink —- Amira Marium Nadia
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The coffee is part and parcel in city life. There is no city in the world where isn’t coffee stall. According to the information, coffee is the third highest consumed beverage after water and tea in the world. For this reason, Coffee bean is demandable thing in worldwide. Now the question is, why is coffee beverage popular? After drinking coffee beverage people realise a mixed feeling. Coffee is perfumed but there is present strong flavour and we feel mild heat in our body.That mild heat is comfortable. Though coffee is unconventional in our country but it is going to be popular in Bangladesh.
There are two ancient storylines about coffee’s history. According to the one legend,Ethiopia was the first to recognise the stimulate effect of the coffe plant.In Ethiopia, a young goatherd named “Kaldi” noticed that his goats became more energetic after eating red berry from the bush. He collected some berries and gave to the imam of the nearest mosque. At first he thought that it is one kind of tempt of devil. He threw it into the fire. After some time, there was spreading beautiful smell around them. Then, he thought, it couldn’t tempt of devil. His students said it could drink after making a beverage. They boiled it and drunk it.They realised that they could awake and could pray more in night. After knowing the miracle power of coffee,coffee became popular and spread everywhere.
Another ancient story is,in Yemen, there was a man whose name was “Sheikh Omar”. Who was famous for his healing power. For unknown reason, he was exiled from his society. He came to desert and harbored into a cave. He was hungry and unennergetic. He found a red berry plant into a bush. He ate some berries but it was so much bitter. That’s why, he plucked some berries and roasted it. He mixed the roasted berries with hot water.After drinking the liquid, he survived for few days. As stories of this” miracle drug” reached to his society. Omer was asked to return and became a saint.
The flower of the coffee plant is quite similar to Bangladeshi bela flower. There are five petals in bela flower. That is also present in coffee flower. Bela flower leaf is smaller than coffee leaf. Both the flowers born and grow up in bush.
Generally ,we find two kinds of coffee. One is Arabica and another one is Robusta. Arabica coffee is expensive and smooth taste. Arabica coffee gives us less caffeine. Robusta coffee is cheaper than Arabica coffee. It gives us more caffeine and it tastes bitter. When we buy a coffee jar, there isn’t mentioned which kind of coffee it is. But, which one is expensive it may probably Arabica coffee. A strange matter is, almost 2 million cups of coffee consumed per a day.
Top five coffee consumer countries in the world are
Finland-12 kg per-capita
Norway-9.9kg per-capita
Iceland-9kg per-capita
Denmark-8.7 kg per-capita
Netherland-8.4 kg per-capita
More than 70 countries cultivate coffee plante. Though the majority of coffee come from only five countries.Those are Brazil, Vietnam, Columbia, Indonesia and Ethiopia.Top coffee producer country is Brazil. It produces almost 4 million metric tons of coffee which is 40% of the world’s total.
Top five coffee producer countries are
Brazil- 3.70 million metric tons
Vietnam -1.76 million metric tons
Colombia -0.83 million metric tons
Indonesia -0.77 million metric tons
Ethiopia -0.58 million metric tons (FAOSTAT 2020)
Bangladeshi red soil land is suitable for Robusta coffee cultivation. Arabica cofffee is also grown here but not as Robusta coffee.Tangail’s Modhupur, Khagrachori,hill tracts, high lands are the best places to grow coffee in Bangladesh.
To make a cup of coffee the recipe is : 1 g.of instant coffee powder mixes with 50 ml hot water or 1.5 g. of instant coffee powder mixes with 150 ml hot milk.
By having coffee daily,it gives us more energy,refreshment, cheerful,excitement, invigoration. It removes depression. Coffee has anti-oxidant. It repairs skin and protects from free radical. It also protects our DNA. But if we drink more than 4 cups of coffee per a day it may create so many problems. It brings restlessness, anxiety, hypertension, insomnia etc.Those people who have blood pressure problem,coffee is prohibited for them. Because caffeine increases blood circulation.
Historically, coffee was prohibited several times by the Catholic Christians because of, the muslim discovered the coffee. The Catholic called “Evil Drink” because of its association with Islam. They had declared the coffee is Haram. At last,the 8th pop “Clement” was impressed of coffee’s smell and withdraw the embargo on coffee consumption for Christian community . So it is no doubt that coffee is the muslim drink.
The writer is a student of class 8
Rajbari Government Girls’ High School, Rajbari
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